Manual Project Initialization

Manual Project Initialization

This page describes how to manually perform the actions executed by the initialize-project command.

  1. Download the file at http://www.lynicon.com/install/lyniconanc.0.0.1.zip.
  2. Unzip it, and merge it into the file structure of your project, so that where a folder already exists, its contents from the zip are merged with its contents in the project, but where one is missing it is added together with its contents.
  3. Add the following section to the end of the appsettings.json file:

      "Lynicon": {
        "Core": {
          "FileManagerRoot": "/Uploads/",
          "SqlConnectionString": "<connection string>",
          "LyniconAreaBaseUrl": "/Areas/Lynicon/"
  4. Add the following edit to the Program.cs file:

    var host =	...
    	       	.UseContentRoot(ContentRootLocator.GetContentRoot(args) ?? Directory.GetCurrentDirectory())
  5. Update the Startup.cs file as described.