Core Features
- Clean, powerful UI, works on most standard desktop browsers
- Functionality a natural, elegant extension to MVC
- Leaves you to build your own markup, doesn't interfere with MVC's presentation system
- Object oriented content structure, with inheritance, fields which are arbitrary lists or other defined content types, references to other content objects, and interfaces to indicate support for a certain functionality
- Content editor UI deals with all this structure e.g. lists and sublists, and is customisable for new types and functions
- Collate data from different sources onto one content record
- Share values across multiple data records
- Powerful method for relating content items
- Editor shown beside the edited page when logged in: use site navigation to find your content pages
- Customisable list/detail editor and system for working with lists of content data
- Access lists of data with OData queries
- Media and uploaded file manager with folder management
- Data stored in SQL server as normal data tables (which can already exist) or JSON structured data with metadata
- Data layer can have providers built for any data source, and maps different content types to different data sources
- Clean and logical data layer API for site code
- Data layer queries using Linq
- Module system allowing modification of behaviour of UI and data layer, powerful enough to add features like publishing
- Generic versioning system
- Global event system allows interception of all reads and writes plus many other operations
- User maintenance screen
- Single user system for site users and editors
- Client code and modules can add fields to core data records e.g. content metadata, user information
- Drop content management functionality into an existing project: Lynicon does not take over any ASP.Net Core extension points.
- Attach content management to existing data sources e.g. provide web editing to existing SQL database tables
- Customisable filter system for analysing and listing data in UI and generating reports on it
- Protection against content data structure changes which could lose data
- Editor warns of clashing changes when two people try and edit the same content record
- Editor warns of internet loss or session expiry, protecting unsaved edits
- Extensive documentation
Basic Module Package
- Provider based search system supplied with provider for ElasticSearch
- Choice of total or 'summary' in-memory caches, for super fast page generation
- In-memory, database-free content persistence with file backup for IIS recycles
- Url management: 301 redirect, canonical url management, custom page urls
- Content publishing (public and editor private versions of content)
- Automatic sitemap
- Deleted content items archived and recoverable
- Content change tracking
- Custom site configuration page in CMS
- Simple custom report generation
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