The Filter Page
The Filter Page
The above illustrates the Filter page which is used to build lists of content items which can then have operations performed on them, or be downloaded as reports.
How to Build a List
To build a new list on this page:
- Drag and drop any filters required from the Available Filters area onto the Active Filters area
- Drag and drop any filters not required off the Active Filters area and onto the Available Filters area
- Set any parameters in the filters you have chosen as required. Where there is a checkbox marked 'Show', this will result in information relating to the filter being listed in the results. Where there are up/down arrows, the value related to the filter can be used to sort the output. Click this to change it to sort increasing, then sort decreasing, then back to up/down arrows (no sort). Only one value can be used to sort.
- Click the SHOW button at top left. The results will show. This will normally be quite fast.
- Once a result set has been generated an item on it can be selected by clicking the checkbox beside it.
- At the bottom of the list is a pager and a count of the total items.
- Under that, the count of items with checks beside them is show, and the Clear All and Set Page buttons can be used to clear all the checks on all pages, and set all the checks on the current page.
- Beside that the CSV button will download the current list with the data shown as a CSV.
- Under that certain modules will add functions to be applied to selected items. Here we see that the Publish module allows you to publish all selected items, and the Transfer module allows you to transfer all selected items to another server.
, multiple selections available,