The Content List

The Content List

The above illustration shows the Content List.  This area lists all the content on the site by content type.  It can be configured to separate content types into sections with headings.

Each content type has an expandable collection block similar to the Editor.  Some content types may have fewer than 10 items.  If they have more than 10 items, a search box is shown at the top of the content list when it is opened, and a pager at the bottom.  Entering text into the search box then pressing the return key, or clicking the magnifying glass, will show a list of content items of the relevant type whose title contains the search string entered.  Clicking the 'x' beside the search box clears the search.

Functions available to editors

Create New Item

The area labelled Create New Item above shows the url scheme for the new item. This area is opened by clicking the '+' on the content item section bar.  If there are multiple possible url schemes, a drop down is shown before the url entry form, which lets you select the desired scheme on which to create the new item. In the url form, any variable parts are shown as text boxes for the user to supply the url elements for the new item.   Once this is done, click the new page icon to navigate to the empty new content page. Click 'x' to cancel the process.

Change URL

The area labelled Change URL above is opened by clicking the URL button which appears to the right of a listed item when you hover over it.  The url is shown with variable parts in text boxes and fixed parts as text. Once any variable parts are changed, click Save to update the url of the item.  Click 'x' to cancel the process.

Delete Item

An item can be deleted from here by an Administrator by hovering over the listed item and clicking the 'x' button that appears to its right.