The Users Page

The Users Page

The above illustrates the Users page. Only the Administrators can edit this page. The Users page allows management of the users on the system using a list/detail editor. When first opened the first page of users is shown, with a pager.  The List Controls allow entering a search match string which is matched against UserName and Email to produce a list of matching users.  Clicking Filter will show the list filtered by the entered criterion.

Clicking a row in the list selects it (grey background) and shows the full field set in the Detail Editor.  Here it can be edited.  Shown is the Password field which is a special case. To change the password, enter it in clear text and click the ENCRYPT button to encrypt it.  The record can then be saved with the new password.  Be careful not to click ENCRYPT twice or this will not work.

Also notice the Roles field.  A simple string of role characters (the built in roles are A - Admin, E - Editor and U - User) is entered here.  Remember to include all less-permitted roles e.g. a user is 'U' but an admin is 'AEU'.

The Delete and Save button in the CMS Controls delete a user or save changes made.

To create a new user, click ADD in the List Controls.  A new blank set of fields appear in the Detail Editor.  When these are filled in and saved, the new user is created.